1st NICTE online Proceeding 2017

2nd NICTE online Proceeding 2018

3st NICTE online Proceeding 2019

Welcome To The Home Page of 4th NICTE 2020


4th Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering 2020 (4th NICTE 2020), is a premier event that address the new advancements and challenges in the field of Technology and Engineering. This Multidisciplinary Conference will be held in University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan Indonesiaduring 4th - 5th December 2020. NICTE 2020 aims to bring together leading Academicians, Scientists, Researchers, Scholars and Students to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences and research results on the aspects of INDUSTRY 4.0 CHALLENGES address the new advancements and challenges in the field of Technology and Engineering. This Multidisciplinary Conference will be held in University of HKBP Nommensen, Medan Indonesia, during 4th - 5th December 2020. NICTE 2020 aims to bring together leading Academicians, Scientists, Researchers, Scholars and Students to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences and research results on the aspects of INDUSTRY 4.0 CHALLENGES ON TECHNOLOGY AND ENGGINEERING IMPROVEMENT. This forum will provide opportunity to network and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in their respective domains worldwide. Academicians, Scientists, Researchers, Scholars and Students are invited to submit papers, on topics which include but are not limited to:

  • Civil and Enviromental Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering and Technology
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Material Sciences and Engineering
  • Food and Agriculture Technology
  • Informatic Engineering & Technologies
  • Medical & Health Technology

Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. Completed papers should be emailed to nicte@uhn.ac.id before the deadline. All accepted papers will be published online in Materials Science and Engineering Conference Proceedings Series, IOP Publisher indexed by Scopus. We look forward to receiving your papers and to welcoming you to the NICTE 2020 International Conference at Nommensen HKBP University, Medan, Indonesia.

Full Album Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering 2019 

Contact Us:
NICTE Secretariat
Faculty of Engineering, University of HKBP Nommensen
Jalan Sutomo No. 4A, Medan, 20234
Fax: +6261-45617223

Mobile: +62813 9736 0600 (Dr. Mula)
E-Mail: nicte@uhn.ac.id
Webiste: nicte.uhn.ac.id